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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 9, 2017

Gulf of Mexico farming fish project

http://www.recirculatingfarms.org/fish-farms-threaten-gulf-of-mexico/ To understand the major problems associated with ocean fish farms, it’s important to picture one: thousands of fish trapped in massive cages, eating, excreting and growing. Fish feed, antibiotics and other chemicals can be regularly pumped into the pens, and the excess washed into the surrounding waters, causing a wide range of changes in the local ecosystem. Farmed fish frequently escape, thanks to inclement weather, predators causing damage to pens, or even human error or equipment failure. Escaped fish can spread disease and parasites to wild fish and out-compete them for food, habitat and mates. As a result, ocean fish farms can threaten the health of the same wild fish populations that supposedly would benefit from reduced fishing pressure thanks to increased availability of farmed fish. Harm to wild fish and their habitat, of course, means economic harm to the fishermen too. In addition to perhaps a reduce...

Gulf of Mexico projects

Start: 9/12/2017 Update: Now i know why consulting prefers Phds. Không biết approach thế nào cả. Vậy sẽ thử hướng 1. Background about the current economic activities 2. More intensive research on missing opportunities 3. What is the gap ? 4. Solutions to close the gap. Hoặc hướng thứ 2 là 1. Background about the current economic activities 2. More intensive research on missing opportunities 3. Something new worth trying ???( Intensive research, more academic) Report về Gulf of Mexico của NOAA https://www.st.nmfs.noaa.gov/Assets/economics/documents/feus/2012/FEUS2012_GulfofMexico.pdf Underwater fish farming technology in open sea areas: review of a 10-year experience http://nsgl.gso.uri.edu/nhu/nhuw96001/nhuw96001chap13.pdf

BSAT 510: Data Analytics

Hôm nay là ngày độc lập ở Việt Nam. Mình được nghỉ ba ngày vì thứ 2 là ngày lễ lao động. Và vừa được enrolled vào BSAT 510. Mình thích data analytics nhưng mà sợ statistics lắm. Thôi học nhanh để về với Hà Nội và Vinh. Một số trang phục vụ cho BSAT 510 và 518. Ước gì công việc ở Việt Nam của mình cũng như công việc hiện tại của mình bên này. Nhớ con vịt, nhớ bố mẹ, và bà quá. http://www.galitshmueli.com/publication/data-mining-business-intelligence-concepts-techniques-applications-microsoft-office-1 https://doc.lagout.org/Others/Data%20Mining/